Monday, March 22, 2010

Shopping Trip

Last Monday for FHE we went to a park and fed the ducks and then played frisbee. It was cooold.
On Saturday night, Ray, Lee, Rikke, Cammi, Lee, Vanessa, JJ, Mike, and Justin came over and we watched Ringu. I heard it was scarier than the Ring, but it really wasn't very scary.

And then today we had an almost all day shopping trip! Me, Alicia, and Vanessa drove down to IF and shopped from 2:00 until 5:00. At 5:30 we saw Bounty Hunter, and then after that we shopped for another hour. Alicia ended up spending about $150 and Vanessa spent about $80. I only spent about $30 or so. Whenever I tried something on, I'd look at myself and decide how much I would be willing to spend on it, and then I'd look at the tag. If it was even $1 over what I decided was a good price, I wouldn't get it. So I put back almost everything that I tried on :/
I ended up with one shirt, one skirt, and a ped-egg type thing and foot cream (I really want to have nice feet!)


Winger said...

I'm glad I taught you a little bit of shopping sense. Did you spend all your birthday money?
Looks brrrr feeding the ducks. I hope the weather is better when we come and take the grandkids to feed the geese.
Two and a half more weeks of school!

Kari Cheney said...

i have a ped-egg thing! got it for christmas.
next time you come to IF you need to come visit us!