Sunday, February 28, 2010

Curly Hair

No Sunday Apartment picture again :(
I walked to church by myself today because Mileah's at her home ward again, Kortney left early, and Alicia slept in.

This week I was sick for a few days. I don't really know what it was. I had a really sore throat and my head hurt and my whole body ached. So I missed my classes for two days. But luckily I was able to catch up on everything I missed.

I don't remember what day this way, but Alicia asked if she could do my hair. Of course I agreed! I never do anything with my hair because I want to sleep as long as possible in the morning--and because I don't really know how to do anything.
So she curled me hair!I really like how it turned out. But I can't curl my hair myself. :/

On Friday I went to guitars unplugged to see Kortney perform. It was really good. Her band got the most applause out of all. It was a really long song, though. There was a drummer, a keyboard player, a guitarist, a bassist, a saxist, and two backup singers (Kortney was one of the singers). Really flashy.

Then on Saturday Ray and Lee came over and we and Alicia played my new wii games with me. Mario Party was pretty fun, but we all really liked Wii Sports Resort. We only had time to play one game on it, so we played the fencing one and it was really fun.
Then we all went to the best of guitars unplugged. There were some really good performances. Kortney's band was the closing act and the crowd had a blast.


Winger said...

Cute curly hair.
I'm glad you're feeling better--no fun to be sick.
Sounds like you had a fun weekend with guitars unplugged and Wii.