Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

On Monday for FHE we went to the boys' house and played Mario Kart for Wii. Alicia didn't go, and Mileah and Kortney left right after the lesson. I wanted to stay the whole time though! So I got a ride home with the other girls. I beat everyone at Mario Kart except for one of the guys who was really really good. It was fun :)I don't remember which day it was, but Kortney does birthday parties for little kids. She has a Jasmine outfit and goes to visit little girls for their birthdays, and has a pirate costume for boy parties. She loves it :)
And she looks pretty convincing, too!

On Friday night I went on a date with Steven. He's kind of an awkward boy. But it's okay, I'm kind of an awkward girl.
He pretty much asks out every girl in the ward though, hoping someone will say yes.
It was a double date. The other guy was my old FHE brother, Mark. He made us chicken enchiladas and they were really good. Afterwards we went to the Symphony concert. They only played two songs, but it was a two hour concert. I found myself zoning out a lot, but overall, it was really good.

Saturday morning, I was going to go to yoga and then work out. But I slept in -_-
Vanessa came over, and her, me and Alicia watched a movie called Bright Star. I liked the preview, but I didn't like the movie. It was kind of a Romeo and Juliet story. But I don't like Romeo and Juliet.
Later that evening, I went to Helen's apartment for a Single's Awareness party. We made cake and watched Star Trek.

Today at around 2:00, the guy I like asked if I wanted to hang out with him later that day. He said he'd text me the details later. Well, he never did. So in my free time, I made this video.
Geddan, or "Get Down", is a popular "dance craze". It started in Japan and spread to America. There's like a million youtube videos on it. So I wanted to make one!

And then on Sunday night, Joseph came by. He said he had been thinking about me, so he got me a necklace! My only Valentine gift from a boy! Haha. It's a pretty necklace. They're ones he was selling for his business class. It was really thoughtful of him :) And it made my day.


Winger said...

Funny funny video--I have no idea how you'd make that all by yourself.
Awkward boys are okay to go out with--gives you experience. But a 2hr.symphony with only two songs sounds a little dull. Glad you enjoyed it overall.
Good for you for staying for the whole FHE. I guess your roommates are not into playing Wii.
Maybe Kortney can throw a Jasmine birthday party for you!
Very sweet of Joseph to come over and give you a necklace. And it stinks that David never texted you back!
Have a great week! Love you!

Kari Cheney said...

that "get down" is so funny!!! maybe i'll do one too, okay probably not, but it looks fun!! Maybe I'll make one of Alexis, haha.jk.
It's okay to go out with awkward boys, i've had my share of those too! hehe