Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Family Weekend

I got to visit Kari, Brent, Alexis, and Logan over the weekend! Mom and dad came to visit too!
I love going over there and playing with Alexis and Logan :)We gave Alexis and Logan a bath together. They are so cute!

On Friday night, mom and dad took me to Wingers (my favorite restaurant in the world!) And then we watched the kids while Kari and Brent went to dinner.
On Saturday I got McDonalds for lunch (my other favorite place) and then mom and dad took me shopping. Yayy :)
And then on Sunday me, mom, and dad took Alexis to Renae's for dinner. Kari and Brent staid home with Logan because he wasn't feeling so well :(
Alexis had a blast playing with Zaden, though! It was so fun to watch them.Grandpa and Logan.Grandma and Logan.

Alexis and Grandpa dancing to Barney's "I Love You" song. So cute!!


Winger said...

Cute video--such a sweet little girl. It was a nice weekend, and good to be there with you. We'll see you and all of the rest of our family in 7 weeks!

Kari Cheney said...

and we love having you!

I always forget your blog is private so i keep forgetting to check it, sorry