Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Winter Break

Winter Break came and went. It definitely went too quickly. But I am happy to be back at school.

When break started, I almost right away hung out with my girls.We went to Ashley's house and hung out and ate dinner. I missed them and it was really nice to see them again.

Then I saw Jason. I hadn't seen him since the beginning of the Summer. We went to his house and played the new Mario game and the oldschool Starfox.

Later that day, mom and I made bulgogi!

And then it was Christmas!Mom and I really like the watches Jessica sent! They're pretty.
I also got the Sims3, which I played a lot during the break. And Mario Party 8 and Wii Sports Resort. And some DS games and clothes and a tablet. Thank you!!

I think it was after Christmas that I saw Will and Matt and Ryuichi. I went to Will's and we played Super Smash Bros and hung out.

A few days later, I went to lunch with Ryuichi and Matt.

And then I saw my girls again!It was a good break :)


Winger said...

Glad to see your happy to be back at school. It will be the best semester yet, right?
Winter break did go by fast--it was fun to have you home.

Ryan said...

Glad you like Jess' watches. Seems like you played a lot of video games.