Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dead Computer

So my laptop died a few days ago. I can turn it on, but it can't load windows. I've tried a bunch of different stuff--system restore, safe mode, auto repair, etc, but nothing worked. One friend said I need new memory. Another friend said I need a new hard drive. I assume it's a hard drive issue, or something with just the OS. I dunno :/

Either way, I won't have a computer for the rest of the semester. I've been using Kelsey's about once every other day to check facebook and stuff, and I've been using the library to do my assignments.

I'll update with details about the rest of the semester and pictures and things when I get home for winter break.


Winger said...


Ryan said...

You probably dont need new memory, but you probably do need a new hard drive. Your symptoms sound exactly like my laptop (which hasnt worked for a year and a half). Do you get the blue screen of death while trying to start Windows? I had two operating systems on my laptop and when I try to boot the other (Ubuntu Linux) it tells me that there are bad sectors on the hard drive. I would probably go for a new hard drive.