Sunday, January 31, 2010

Having Fun

I forgot to mention that last Friday we went to Mileah's concert. It was a Barber Shop concert and it was suuuper good! The main event in it was a group called FRED and they were really funny.

I'm still really enjoying my classes. I'm learning a lot from all of them.
Friday night, Kortney's boyfriend's aunt was in town, and the three of us went out. We went to Arctic Circle for dinner and then we went to the premiere of When in Rome. It was a super cute movie! I would definitely see it again.

Yesterday, we were supposed to have drill, but no one showed up. So it was just me and Alyssa. So instead of working on the routine, we kind of had a drill appreciation day and watched drill videos for like an hour and a half. And then we went to McDonald's together :)
Later that night, Ray, Lee, and their roommate Don came over and we went to Rikke's apartment for a movie night. A few other people were there as well. We watched Eagle Eye (really good, I loved it!) and Hercules. The girls quoted almost the entire movie @_@ it was a little shocking.
For one of my projects I had to do a genogram. Mom helped me out a lot on it, so here's the finished project.


Winger said...

Oops looks like you forgot to ask how old my mom's parents were--you should have called me. Think Kari Ryan and Jessica are going to notice you put them at the wrong ages?(you could have printed out that template on the computer and it would have looked more professional--or didn't your teacher care about that)
Anyway, glad you're having fun. Kortney sure is pretty---when do we get to see a picture of Mileah?

Kayli said...

My teacher didn't really care how professional it looked. He cared more about the paper I had to write along with it.
-Yes, Kortney is very pretty. All of the boys case after her. But she is also very very nice.
-You could see a picture of Mileah if I could catch her. She's never around.