Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Post 2

I keep forgetting to update. Or I think to update, but I forget everything that's happened.
But mom called today and helped me remember a few things.

Last Saturday, I worked out with Rikke in the morning. Afterwards, we went to Chinese for lunch, and then decided we were going to see Avatar that night. I had already seen it, but I wanted to see it in 3D this time. We were going to see it at 7, but when we got to the theater they said it was sold out. So we got tickets for the 10:10 instead, even though it would put us past curfew. Cammi, Rikke's roommate, Kortney, and Kortney's date went with us. We went to Olive Garden for dinner, since we had two hours to burn before the movie.
Avatar was almost twice as good in 3D. It was amazing!!

On Monday I met our FHE group. I knew three of the girls already, but I hadn't met the others.
For the activity we made giant paper airplanes out of poster paper. We then took them up to the top of the stadium and threw them off to see whose would go the farthest. They all kind of just went straight down though. Ours got stuck in a tree :( We spent like 20 minutes just trying to get it out, but to not avail. We will miss the Fat Winter.


Winger said...

Yay for a new post. Continue to have good times and a great semester.