Monday, January 18, 2010

Winter Semester!

I haven't updated in a long time... ._.

I'm really liking the semester so far! At first I was a little intimidated because my two new roommates are gorgeous and popular. But they're really nice too, and we get along alright.
That's me an Alicia, my room-roommate.
And I don't have a picture of Kortney, so I took one off her facebook. She's sooo pretty and sooo nice. She's nice to everyone and makes everyone feel good :)
I'm also getting along a lot better with Mileah than I did last semester.

I LOVE my Chinese class. It's so exciting to learn, and I'm progressing pretty well. A cute guy who sits by me asked for my number so he could call if he had questions. I need to keep studying hard!
I also really really like my World Religions class. I love learning about other cultures and beliefs so it's really interesting and exciting.
And weight training is exciting too. I've been wanting to get back in shape, but never had the willpower :/ But now that I go to the gym and work out for my class, I find myself going even when I don't have to.


Winger said...

Cute roomies--but your just as cute as them! I hope the semester continues to be a good one.
I'm glad you are liking your classes and doing well. Maybe you can get that boys phone number too and you guys can study Chinese together.
And getting in shape sounds like a great thing to do!
Kari was so glad to have your help this past weekend she said she wishes you lived with them!