Sunday, September 11, 2011

District Conference

I guess it’s been about a week since I last updated. Once classes started up, I stopped going out and doing much. Most of my days just consist of class, studying, and keeping caught up with people back home.
On Friday though, my class all went out to lunch at a place called Big Pizza. It’s like an American buffet, and it was really good. Apparently we might be making class lunches a weekly thing, because we have tests every Friday, and Xu Rungui wants everyone to celebrate finishing the test haha. It was really fun to hang out with everyone. I love my class!

Later that day me, Abby, Josh, Adam, Ben and Kurt went to a big Walmart like supermarket. I forget what it’s called though.
The reason people wanted to go was because of the amazing massage chairs. I was a little reluctant to believe how great they were, since most of the massage chairs I’ve been in were uncomfortable and painful. But these were more gentle and felt super duper nice. So we all just parked it in the chairs for like twenty minutes.

After the supermarket, we came back to the dorms. Josh, Adam and Ben came to our room and we all watched the Green Lantern. I’d seen that movie like an accumulated million times before, so I was easily distracted with other things (like talking to Chris ^^).
It was a really fun time, though. We were helping set Abby up with hotspot shield and helping Adam set up a blog. Abby was really tired though, and she started acting like a drunk person. We had a lot of fun teasing her, and she was really funny.

And then on Saturday night, we went to the adult session of district conference. Sam, Amber’s Muslim friend, came with us. Earlier in the week, he had taken a bunch of people from our group to see a Mosque, but I had class during the time they went so I couldn’t go.
The conference was good. One of the members of the 70 told a lot of really funny stories about funny things his kids say. It’s a little frustrating though how long it takes to get to the church building. Taking the subway route, it’s an hour and a half each way, so getting to church and back eats up three hours of the day.


Winger said...

Going to lunch every Friday with your class sounds like a good deal, hope you continue to do it.

An hour and half to church isn't too bad, just enjoy the experience and the company. And try to find some comfie shoes :) so your feet don't end up blistered each time.

Keep enjoying your adventure and don't waste too much time keeping caught up with people from home ;)