Thursday, September 15, 2011


Last night Xu Rungui came over to study. We had an assignment to make and memorize a dialogue due the next day. So I thought he’d come over for like half an hour just to write it. But we wrote it and practiced it, and then he just got out his other books and started studying. It was good though, because it forced me to study too. He ended up staying over for about 4 hours, just studying and hanging out. At one point he took out his mp3 player and speakers and started quizzing me on KPop songs. He’d play one and ask if I knew it, and when I got excited and started singing along with it he’d always shout “啊!你是哪国人??!” which roughly translates to “what country are you from??!” Along with knowing the songs, I also know parts of most dances, so I’d start doing part of it in my seat, and he’d start doing it too. And when “Tell Me” by Wondergirls played, without even saying anything we both got up and did the whole first dance section, hahahaha. It was really fun. I’ve never really had a friend who I could really chat about KPop with. Though I guess it’s pretty normal for Koreans to know about their own pop culture, so it’s no surprise that he knows all these songs and dances too.

I’m also becoming better friends with the other people I sit by in class. Xu Rungui always sits next to me, and then in front of us are Kim Wuram and Han Jinghao. All three are Korean, so they often talk to each other in Korean. I nicknamed Han Jinghao “小탑” (Little TOP) because he looks a lot like my favorite celebrity, TOP. When I told him that he was really surprised and denied it, but he really does look like him! So I told him to rap for me, and he looked down for a second, thinking. And then he looked up and did the signature TOP finger-wiggle move. Then he got all embarrassed and had to look away. Haha, silly shy Koreans! I also nicknamed Kim Wuram “Agi Oppa”. Agi means baby in Korean, and “oppa” is a term that Korean girls use when referring to guys who are older than them. The reason I chose “baby” is because there’s a Korean movie I liked called “Baby&Me” where the baby’s name is Wuram. And he’s Korean so of course he knows of the movie, so he got the joke. And then I named Xu Rungui “小孩子” which means “little kid”. I don’t really remember why, but it has something to do with something I misheard him say yesterday.

Today me, Abby, and Tina went to that supermarket place with the massage chairs again. I always forget what it’s called. I stocked up on some instant noodles, since the only “cooking supplies” we have is a fossit in the laundry room that we can get hot water out of. Abby and Tina wanted to buy a crab, since apparently Adam and Josh have been keeping a pet crab in their bathroom (what the random??) and they thought he needed a friend. Hahaha. I guess they got theirs for 3kuai, so we assumed the one we got wouldn’t be more than 6. But then after we got it bagged and weighed, as we were walking away Abby asked how much it ended up being. Tina looked at the bag and saw that it was 36kuai. So we they were like “WHAT DO WE DO?” because we didn’t want to buy a 36kuai crab. So they took it back. Abby tried to explain why they didn’t want it, but the guy was really confused trying to understand. So finally she just said “我不要。”(meaning “I don’t want it”) and he was like ohhhhhh, no problem. So we bought our stuff and took the super crowded and smelly bus home. I stopped at the little corner restaurant and got some chao mian for dinner, while Abby and Tina ate the bread they got. It’s becoming much less stressful to order food, now that I’ve learned a little more food-related vocabulary, and am just over-all more comfortable with Chinese.


Winger said...

It's nice to have a study buddy. You guys should do that more often.
Fun to have friends in class. What have they nicknamed you?

Glad you are feeling more comfortable with your Chinese and ordering food--have you guys got your student cards yet to allow you to eat in the cafeteria?