Saturday, September 24, 2011

Daddyyy and shopping!

I haven’t been very good at keeping my blog updated, have I?

Dad was in town this week! So I got to see him a few times. On Tuesday, he came to my school and we went to lunch at a local restaurant. After, we went to the clothes market across from the zoo. We just walked through and looked at stuff but didn’t buy anything. But we did get to eat at McDonalds! It definitely wasn’t as good as American McDonalds, but it was still really good to have a break from Chinese food.

On Friday morning I got to see him again. We went took a bus and a subway to Summer Palace. It was kind of funny because we weren’t exactly sure which stop to get off the subway, so we asked someone, and when we got off at the right stop, I saw a sign that had a list of where each exit lead to. I saw “颐和园”listed as being out exit C. So I told dad, “look, it says Summer Palace is out exit C.” So he looked at the sign and said “that doesn’t say Summer Palace, that says yijakipwaebmx.” How lucky it was for dad to be with someone who could read Chinese ;)

We went out exit c and made our way to be big park. We got tickets and went in. It was so beautiful! Very scenic. I don’t really know how else to describe it. We walked around there for a bit and I took lots of pictures (but blogger hasn’t been letting me upload any pictures, which is why all of these recent entries haven’t had any). After a while, my feet hurt really bad, so we went back to my school and I took him to dinner at another local restaurant. And then we split ways.

Later that night I thought I would be going to dinner with my class. But that morning we had a really big test, so none of us got a chance to talk to each other. I thought Rungui would have called me at 5 if they were going, but I didn’t get a call. And I had been invited to go with some people from BYUI group to an Italian restaurant, so when no one called, I went with them instead. Sam (the guy from Iraq) led us. We took a bus all the way there, it was like a 40 minute ride. I’m pretty sure it was near the place dad’s hotel was. The area was called Sanlitun and it was really really really cool. I can’t even express how much I loved the area. I just loved how it looked. It was so modern looking—futuristic even! I tried to take some pictures, but my camera failed as taking pictures at night. But maybe we’ll go there again some time and I can try again. Well, we ate at an Italian restaurant there, and it was surprisingly really good, especially because I don’t usually like Italian food.

Today me and Abby went back to that market by the zoo. This time I bought some jeans, two shirts, a vest, and a scarf. It was such an amazing feeling to buy such pretty clothes for so cheap! I had so much fun! Haha. Except I think the jeans I got are a little too small, but I’ve also gained quite a bit of weight since I got here. Small jeans will just be more incentive to make me lose those pounds. But I tried on the other things I got, and I really like them :D


Winger said...

So glad you got to spend some time with dad.