Saturday, September 3, 2011


Last night, a big group of us went to a really cool performance. I’m not sure what to call it, but it was like Chinese ballet. It was so incredible. None of us really expected a whole lot, we only went because the ward got us a bunch of free tickets. But we were all completely blown away. It was a story about the Flower Goddess, a Poppy, and a Peony. According to Seth (a history major), it was an allegory about the Opium Wars, with the Peony representing China, the Poppy as Britain, and the Flower Goddess representing the struggle for peace. It was an absolutely beautiful performance.

Amber had invited a guy from her class to come along with us. His name was Sam and he’s from Iraq. He’s been in Beijing for 4 months, so he was able to lead to us to theater.

After the performance, about half of the group split off to go home. But I was super starving, so I went with the group that wanted to get a late dinner.

Rather than taking the subway back, we just took a bus the whole way, which was much more relaxing because it was so late at night that we could actually sit in seats. At one point, these two guys got on, and one of them was super drunk. He sat across from me, and after a few minutes, opened the window and started vomiting like a waterfall. I was surprised one person’s stomach could even hold that much liquid. It smelled like pure alcohol as well, you could smell it really strongly. It didn’t really bother me to see, but when I looked around, all of the girls in the group looked totally horrified. I thought about offering him a piece of gum, but decided he would probably just throw up again and lose it.

We got home just past midnight. Abby was already asleep, but I stayed up a few more hours talking online.

Today we went to our neighbors’ dorm room for lunch. We met them in the hall yesterday and they invited us to eat with them. They’re all Korean and don’t really speak much English, so we have to communicate with each other in Chinese. It was really interesting. I was surprised how well we were able to communicate! They even gave us Korean names, and we gave them English names. They named me Kim Sarang and Abby is Kim Hanneul. And we named them Ginger, Jane, Melanie, Hannah and Julie.

So we had Korean food with them and it was super yummy.

Afterwards, I came home, studied a little, took a nap, and then did my homework.


Winger said...

Great that you got to go to a Ballet. But super yuck to the vomiting bus mate.
Having lunch with your Korean neighbors sounds so fun, glad you were able to do that. Now you need to have them over for American food?