Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Opening Ceremony


Today was our opening ceremony. Me and a few others were under the impression that the Chinese spoken one would be at 9am, and the English one would be at 9:40. So a few of us showed up at 9:40 and were surprised that they had already started. It continued on until about 11. Afterwards, some people from our group asked why we were so late. Apparently the whole thing started at 9. But we didn’t learn anything from the hour and twenty minutes we were there, and they said we didn’t miss anything in the first 40 minutes either.

We had a break until 1:30, so I just chilled out in my room. Then we went to our classrooms to meet our teachers and classmates and go over the class structure. I’m going to have class from 8am until 3:20pm on Monday through Thursday, and then 8am until 9:50am on Friday. I’ll definitely be learning a lot.

After, we went to the bookstore to buy our books. I barely had enough to buy mine. I tried to use the ATM, but it said my bank hadn’t authorized it or something. So I’m stuck with about 20 RMB (about $3) until something gets figured out…

After, I had a few more hours to myself. And then a bunch of us went out with Brother Galer to dinner. We went to the same place we went to on the first day, but got different food. MMMMMmmmm, I found my new favorite food. Yuxiang Rousi, fish flavored shredded pork. It’s soooo good.

Then we walked back to our school, and I’m here for the rest of the night.

It was a pretty relaxed day, after the stress of orientation and books and stuff.


Winger said...

Glad you got the ATM thing figured out, no fun to not have any money.
Fish flavored pork huh? You are learning to like a lot of different things. I don't hear about you trying lots of vegetables though ;)