Saturday, August 27, 2011

I am in China!

So, blogger is blocked in China :/

A lot of sites are blocked. More than I expected. And those that aren’t blocked are really funky looking, like something is wrong with the script.

I’m writing all my blogs down in a word document for now. Hopefully I can find a proxy or something, a way to get around it so I can let you guys know what’s going on.

So, Tuesday I left around 4:30. I got to the airport and through security and everything and got to my gate. There, I ran into Abby, Emily, Josh, and Brother Galer. Abby is my roommate. She’s super nice, and the absolute epitome of a Mormon girl.

The flight left around 7:15. My seat was next to an 18 year old Australian boy. It was really interesting to talk to him. He’s been travelling all over the world since he was 4 years old, and it blows his mind how so many Americans never really leave the country.

The flight was about 12 hours long, but it really didn’t seem that long. Probably because I listened to my ipod for the first 4 or so hours, and then was in and out of sleep for the last 8. It was funny, though. The guy next to me kept falling onto me when he fell asleep. Like, he’d doze off and slowly and start falling until most of his weight was on my shoulder. I didn’t want to wake him up or anything, so I just let him sleep there ._.

But it was awkward when I turned to look at him, because his face was like 3 inches from mine, so I tried to keep my face turned away and just listen to my ipod o.o

It was a weird feeling during the flight, because it took forever to get dark. We were basically chasing the sunset, so even though we left when it should’ve been getting dark, it was still bright for several hours.

We touched down in China and went through customs and everything. It was weird to see all the billboards and advertisements in Chinese.

I converted $200 into RMB, which ended up being over 1,000. I still haven’t gotten the conversion down in my head, so every time I pay for something, I think of how expensive it is, but then I remember it’s RMB and not USD, so it’s actually really cheap. Like I bought a bottled water and it was 3rmb and I was like wow so expensive! But then I did the math later and it’s only like 50 cents.

We took a bus from the airport to the school, which brother Galer had lined up for us. I kept falling asleep on it and having dreams that I was at home, so I was really confused every time I woke up and realized I was on a bus in China.

We got to the school and it looked exactly like it did in the pictures. We all went in and checked in and got our rooms. Brother Galer bought us all bottles of water and warned us again to never drink water from the tap, not even after brushing your teeth.

So we split into our rooms. They also look exactly like the pictures I saw before. I took me forever to figure out how to turn the lights on though. You have to put your key card into a slot before you can turn the switches on.



Ryan said...

So you got your post on blogger. Did you find a way through or give your password to someone in the states to post for you? Hope its a great experience for you.