Saturday, August 27, 2011


The next day, we woke up and went out to get breakfast on the street. There was a vendor selling these crepe-like things, but super Chinesified. My roommate bought one, and I just had a bite because I wasn’t very hungry. It was pretty good though!

Later, brother Galer took us all out on a little walking tour. We went to the Wumart (basically the Chinese equivalent of Walmart) and checked it out. Later, we went to a little restaurant for lunch. Brother Galer ordered a bunch of stuff and we split it up, and it was sooooo good! There was a dish of green onions cut up and fried in something and it was really good. And we also had something that was pork and some other stuff and some other stuff. I didn’t try everything, but I tried most of it. Yummy!

We had to go through registration at about 1:30. It was suuuuuuuuuper disorganized. They crammed everyone into a little room with 8 stations. Every station had a different purpose, but you had to show basically the same things at every station. Everything was done by hand and took a really long time and they kept losing things, so you had to wait in the lines for a long long time. It was such a relief when it was over about 2 hours later.

But at 5 or 6 or so, brother Galer decided to take us all to a place, I forgot what it’s called. It’s like a big outdoor mall kind of. We were going to take taxis to the subway station, but we couldn’t flag one down. So we all walked a few miles to the station, through a big giant park.

We got our tickets and got on the subway. It was soooo crowded! We had to really pack in, every space was filled.

We rode to another station and then switched subways and rode to another station, then got off at the market place. We walked around and looked at what there was. Then we stopped at various places to get food. I got a super yummy cherry smoothie.

We walked around a little more, and then took taxis back to the school.

I got home and got straight onto skype. Talked for a little bit, and then went to bed at like 9pm. I was still a little jet lagged and had been wanting to sleep pretty much all day.