Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Leaving Today

Sooo I'm leaving in about an hour to head over to the airport.

I've felt sick for about a month, making me unable to eat just about anything. I figured it was just nerves, because whenever I get really nervous about something, I feel really sick.
Mom insisted that I go to the doctor, so I went and saw him today.
The first thing he asked me when I told him what was going on was "are you pregnant?" I told him no.
When I told him I was feeling really anxious and nervous, he found it hard to believe because I "looked so chill", haha. And after talking more about my nausea and everything, a few minutes later he asked "'re sure you're not pregnant?" Hahaha. I was like "no, I am absolutely sure I am not pregnant!" XD
After further discussion, he decided that I most likely had something called Gastrointestinal Disease. At least that's what I think he said. It means that when I get stressed out, my stomach starts to overproduce stomach acid. It makes me much more prone to stomach ulcers. No fun :/
So he gave me a prescription for an antacid and an anti-anxiety medication.
Boooo, no more piiiilllsss please.

I was really hoping to say goodbye to some of my friends today. We were planning on meeting for a bit, but I couldn't go because I felt too crappy and also because my doctor appointment was during that time.
I got to say goodbye to Ashley and Jason yesterday, but the people I really wanted to see and say bye to I didn't get to see. :(

And now I'm leaving for the airport soon. I'll try to update as soon as anything happens to me in China :)


Winger said...

Wishing you a safe journey and a wonderful semester. Hoping your stomach problems settle down quickly so that you can enjoy the experience. Love you!

Ashley Beeee said...

Oh noo, good luck with the stomach, that does not sound like very much fun at ALL.... but good luck in China!

I'm so sad you didn't get to say bye to the people you wanted to...but try to keep in contact through e-mail or something?
