Monday, October 5, 2009

Conference Weekend

No apartment picture this week! I was at Kari's :)

Last Monday for FHE, we went to Porter Park and played Ultimate Frisbee. I sat out with a few of the other girls and just talked. I am absolutely no good at frisbee.
But it was still fun. I like our FHE group.On...Wednesday, Ray and Lee came over to just hang out for a few hours.
And then we invited them back on Thursday, and I invited Cammi and Rikke as well. I made them sweet and sour chicken, and then we watched 17 Again. At this point, Cammi and Rikke left. The guys and Kels and I played Whoonu and then watched some youtube videos and stufff. It was fun :)

On Friday, Kari and Brent came and picked me up!
So I spent the weekend with them.
Eating during conference is a very good idea. If I wasn't eating something, I was falling asleep. But I watched all four sessions! I think this was the first time I've ever done that.
Kari and Alexis were sick :(
At first, I was trying not to get sick--I washed my hands a lot and I tried not to share things with them, and so on. But by Sunday I didn't really care anymore. But now I have a sore throat :/


Winger said...

Ahhh come one, you can throw a frisbee just as well as the next guy.
Glad you had a fun time at Kari's but sorry you caught their cold.
I had a hard time staying awake during conference too--but they were all good sessions. Way to go for watching them all--too bad that didn't give you extra credit in any of your classes.

Kari Cheney said...

wow, thats a pretty attractive picture of me...better not put that on your facebook! haha,

We had fun with you here! We'll see you again pretty soon!! yay