Sunday, October 11, 2009


Best looking Sunday Apartment pic so far (if I do say so myself).

For FHE last monday we played one of my favorite games. Everyone gets a piece of paper and they write something (like... "a girl being attacked by rabbits"), and then you pass your paper to the right and the next person has to draw what you wrote. Then they fold over the first line and pass it, so the next person only sees the picture, and they have to write what they think it is. And you pass it around like that until it goes around the whole circle. It's soo fun.
I should probably start updating more than once a week, because I can never remember what happened. Or I get the weeks mixed up.

Oh yeah,
Ray and Lee came over on Friday night and we watched shows and stuff.
Oh yeah, and we had pancake Wednesday. Ray, Lee, Cammi, Rikke, Joseph, and his friend Chris came over. Well,I think Rikke came over... I don't remember.
But it was fun! :D
Oh yeah!
This feels like forever ago. It was this week, right? I think so.
I got my dress!
I was complaining to my friend about how expensive clothes are on a site that I like. So I showed him one of the dress/shirt things that I wanted. And he bought it for me. It was surprising and a little weird, because we hadn't seen each other since Middle School, and we had just barely started talking to each other online again.
But it was nice ^^; I really like the dress/shirt!


Winger said...

Hey cute girl! It's always fun to read your updates. Keep having fun and doing well in school. Love you.

Ryan said...

I'm guessing that you drew that poor girl being eaten by cute little bunnies.