Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week Three

Veeeerrrryyy uneventful week.
On Wednesday, Kelsey went home to go see her chiropractor. On Friday morning, Heidi went home, and on Friday night, Mileah went home. So I was all alone for the whole weekend. And no one came to visit me :(
I guess I could've gone and visted people, but I... I dunno. I much prefer them to come to me :/ And I know that's a quality I need to get over.

But Sunday was very good!
Mileah came home on Sunday morning and we went to church together. When we got back, Mileah made a wonderful dinner. She had a chicken cooking in a crock pot with creamy of chicken and shake and bake. And then we had potatoes and corn. Yumm yummm.

I was told I had to go to a relief society training meeting at 5 (Oh yeah, I got a calling today! I'm the Relief Society B Birthday Specialist haha).
So I went to that, but when they split everyone up into groups, I didn't have a place to go. So my RS leaders were like "oh...hey, I think we made a mistake. You don't need to be here."
But at least I got some free food :)

When I came back, Kelsey was home!
Biggest excitement of my life. I had been starting to talk to myself.
She brought some stuff with her (thanks for the coat/robe/socks/toothpaste mom!)
And we rearranged all the furniture! And we decorated! And yay!
It was really fun :D
Here is the somwhat finished project: We still have pictures and stuff to put up on the walls, and more things to put into the little cubby holes. I'm super excited. It's muuuuuch more cozy now.


Winger said...

Yep you could have gone and visited people! I'm glad Kelsey is back and I hope your other two roommies don't end up going home every weekend!
(I sent you the flouride gel for you to use after brushing your teeth at nighttime. I hope your teeth are feeling okay.)
Nice living room.
Have a good week!!!

Kari Cheney said...

You should have come visit us last weekend, too bad you don't have a car!