Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week One

When I got to BYUI for real, Kelsey and Julia were already there! That made the transition a million times easier, so I'm very grateful for that!

Classes have been good. Surprisingly, my favorite class so far in Hymns&Doctrine. That sounded the most boring, but it's the most interesting. I also have an absolutely amazing teacher.

Our roommates are good! We get along well. Heidi has really bonded with Kelsey and I, and we're good friends :)
Mileah, however, is hardly ever home. She has a bunch of friends here, so she's always hanging out at their apartments.
She's missing from the Sunday picture because she left early in the morning to go to a missionary farewell and we never saw her again until about 9pm tonight.Ray and Lee came over! As well as Spencer (and FHE bro from last Winter)!
I made Teriyaki for dinner and we had a big family meal! :D
Somehow the subject of Wii came up, and they said they wanted to play. So I brought down my wii and we had a smash bros/mario kart party!
Lots of fun!

Joseph has come over twice as well. I love getting visitors!

So hopefully we'll accumulate more and more friends! And then we have paaaarties like every day! Oh my goodness!


Kari Cheney said...

sounds like you are having fun! just don't party too hard ;)

Winger said...

Glad that you are adjusting okay. We miss you, but know that you are where you are supposed to be---BYU-I.
Have a great semester!!!!