Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!
I'm so happy that my friends and I continued our tradition of getting together every new years eve. We've been doing it since...7th or 8th grade.
I was afraid that this year we wouldn't get together--or at least that not everyone would come. But I was so surprised that all five girls were together!!
Ashley came a little later, but I was still super happy!
Last year was great and this year will be


Winger said...

I'm glad you had your friends together, who knows it may be the last time. You never know where everyone will be next year at this time.
This year will be GREAT--let's make sure and make it that way!

Ryan said...

What will this year be? Did you mean to leave it open ended? Are we supposed to fill in your blank? Last year was great and this year will be fairly good but slightly less great than last year. jk.

The Wi Family said...

Hi Kayli,
Happy New Year!!! What a fun blog. I love the family pictures of all of you laughing--you've got such a wonderful family!