Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Semester!

(Apt pic coming soon! My camera wasn't working right, so I need to steal a pic from Kels or Celeste)

So I came back to Rexburg last monday.
It was pretty hard to readjust at first, but that was to be expected. And it only took a day to get back into the swing of things.

My classes have been pretty good.
They all seem really interesting and the teachers are really good.
I'm going to have to work really hard though if I want those straight A's!

On Saturday night, Rikke and Emily came over and we made and ate dinner together. It was a lot of fun! After taking a million silly pictures, we went up to our room and watched a Series of Unfortunate Events. They didn't want to leave before the movie ended, so they ended up leaving at 12:20, breaking curfew >.<
But I'm really glad they came! It was a lot of fun!
Today, Kels, Linds, Celeste and I ate dinner together after church. We each contributed some food and made breakfast for dinner! I made french toast, Kels made pancakes, Celeste made eggs, and Linds made chocolate milk. It was yummy!
Then we all sat in a circle on the floor and had a little discussion about what needs to change this semester and things like that. It went really well and I was glad we were able to talk to them about things.


Winger said...

Yay new semester and yay your goal of getting "straight A's"!
Good idea to have an apartment meeting to discuss things. You should make a habit of eating together every Sunday!

Ryan said...

Another semester already, pretty soon they will all be done.