Sunday, December 7, 2008


This week was great :D

I don't remember what day it was. Either Monday or Tuesday. Celeste came home with a cat XD
He's a stray that we've seen around the area for a few months. The first time I saw him, I named him Monson.
So when she brought him in I was excited! "Monson??"
And now everyone that comes by normally knows him as Monson. We've even told a few of the other apartments that take him in.Monday was our last FHE. We all made letters to each other. It was nice :)
We weren't ready to let our FHE group go, so we had everyone over for dinner on Sunday. I made Poppyseed Chicken (I love it! Thank you, Jessica!!). Kelsey made soup and Celeste made pasta. The boys made a salad and the girls brought dessert.
It was so much fun! I wish we had had dinner together more often! I'm going to miss my FHE group sooo much!


Kari Cheney said...

Eww, Im glad i dont live with you, haha. What if it has fleas? I'll have to try that poppyseed chicken sometime, i've never had it.

Winger said...

Let's hope that you get just as awesome as a FHE group next Semester.
And that you can stay friends with the old group too.
You should start a tradition of eating Sunday dinners together!

Ryan said...

Eww is right, a stray cat! What if it has rabbies X( jk. See you next week.