Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My internet had been out since Friday morning and it just came back today! Yay!

On Friday, Kels and I hosted a little Halloween party. Her old roommate Julia drove over from Utah and staid with us for a few days. Her other roommate Emily brought some of her friends over too (just for the day though).

On Saturday, Julia was still here and Emily came over. The four of us watched movies almost all day. What a day, haha. It was fun, though.
And on Sunday, Julia went to church with us. She went home almost right after.

Yesterday, we had FHE. The other girls were in charge of the activity, but they forgot, so we played little games that people suggested.
The game we played the longest was the one I suggested. Someone stands in the middle and spins with their eyes closed. Everyone else also moves around. The person stops and points, then says the name of an animal. The person they point at has to make the sound of that animal, and the person in the middle guesses who it was.


Winger said...

Yay, you're back online--I've been waiting for your update!

Ryan said...

Where did you learn that game? That was our favorite game to play in my FHE group (before I got married). I think we called it "who's the oinker" or something like that. Do you have a name for it?

Amy said...

I played that growing up- but we only oinked. My family called it "oink pig oink" best game ever.