Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fun Times :)

I haven't updated in a while, sorry ^^;

Well! Thursday was a concert Lindsay was in and she gave Kels and I free tickets. It was a really good concert, it made me miss band. Luckily I get to take band next semester :)

Friday night, we had a roommate sleepover :D
We went out to dinner (at like 9pm) at Winger's. Yummm!
Then we came home and laid blankets out on the floor and we watched Meet the Robinsons. We brought sleeping stuff down and had a little slumber party in our living room. It was fun :)

Saturday was Extravadance. Joseph and David had invited us to go with them. It was super good! Celeste was amazing :D
My favorite dance was the hiphop one. It was really fun :)

Sunday, Joseph came over. He staid for like three hours.
It came up that I had never gone on a date before (besides prom), so Joseph freaked out and told me he was going to set me up with someone. He said he'd make it a double date so I wouldn't feel as awkward. But then he decided he wanted to set Kelsey up to, so we'd make it a triple date. Later, Lindsay came down and liked the idea, so she wants to make it a quadruple date XD
Either way, it's kind of exciting.


Kari Cheney said...

I love Extravadance, that was always my favorite event to go to at BYUI. Have fun on your blind date, that sould be fun!

Winger said...

Sounds like you had a good weekend.
You'll have to remind Joseph to make sure that 'set up' date really happens--should be an adventure!

Ryan said...
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Ryan said...

Do you have to try out for the band? Or is it just a class you sign up for? A date would be exciting >:) I like how you use smilies as punctuation
~ ~
' '
Sorry the above face looked better in monospace.

Kayli said...

It's a non-audition band :D
I liked your face even if it did get a little messed up!