Monday, September 15, 2008

Second Sunday

Okay, so it's not Sunday anymore, but that picture was from Sunday.
We had a bunch of guys over! It was a lot of fun.
First Dan dropped by. He's a lot like some of my guy friends back home, so I was pretty comfortable around him.
Then Lindsay's friend Kyle and Celeste's friend Kurt came over. Rather than just talking to their friend, they opened it up and talked to everyone. At one point, Lindsay and Celeste had to leave, which made it easier for the four of us to get to know each other.
I had a blonde moment in a conversation, which was a bit embarrassing, but it also helped me feel more comfortable with them because they laughed at me.
Before they left, Kyle said he'd remember that moment for a long time.

Then today was the ward social. It was fun, but I had to leave early because our ride had to leave. But it was fun while it lasted!
Then later, Celeste and Lindsay were out, and Kelsey was in the bath, so I was the only one really around.
There was a knock at the door and I answered, and it was two guys. I expected them to ask for Celeste, but they said they were the welcoming committee and asked to come in.
So I was alone with two guys talking for about half an hour. It was kind of exciting, but the whole time I was sort of wishing Kelsey would come down and join us.
But I guess it was good practice for me ^^;


Kari Cheney said...

Yay for socialization! So what was your blonde moment? Were these guys from your ward? Sounds like fun:)

Ryan said...

That didn't take very long for you to get adjusted. Go kayli!

Kayli said...

Haha, my blonde moment?
One of the guys was talking about how he didn't have a dishwasher in his apartment. The other guy said "We have six dishwashers in ours. But only three of them work."

Over a minute later, I whispered to Kelsey "Oh...was he talking about people..?"

They all laughed at me ^^;

Winger said...

Yay Kayli. Glad to hear you're doing good. It is good practice for you to have to converse with boys! I hope you are meeting guys in your classes and your ward that you feel comfortable with.
Where's the "3rd Sunday" picture now? It's fun to see them.