Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Church and Classes

Sunday I went to church with my roomies!
We're in the 57th ward! Wow! It was held in the Spori building.
Monday I had my first day of classes. I had Career Exploration, Math in the Real World, Writing Foundations, and Humanities.
Then today I had Book of Mormon, Science Foundations, and American Foundations.
All of the teachers are really nice and funny. It's easy to feel comfortable.
The only class I'm really worried about is American Foundations. It sounds pretty hard, but I'll just have to try to keep on top of everything.

Today I also went to the devotional with Celeste. I had forgotten about it and was going to start on my homework when she called me and invited me to go. Brother Clarke spoke and it was really good.


Winger said...

What a cute group of girls!
I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well.

Amy said...

Welcome to Rexburg! Sounds like you are doing good! I will have to have all the crazy B-2 girls over for dinner sometime!

Ryan said...

Yay for college! I forgot that they started the foundation classes, how are those set up? What careers do you explore in career exploration? Well it all sounds fun, seems like just yesturday that I was there.