Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fourth Sunday

It's been a pretty big week.

I'm at a point where if I wanted a boyfriend, I could probably have one.
But I'm not quite sure if I want one right now.

I sit by this guy named Bryan in my math class. At first, I kind of liked him, so I decided to "go for it" and sort of flirt with him.
But the more I get to know someone I like, the less I like them in that way.

He's walked me to my English class a few times (the class right after math), and he even went with me and Kels to the Stephen Beus concert (even though he doesn't like piano or classical music).
I sort of get this vibe that he knows I like him and that he likes me.
But I don't know if I like him anymore.

Today was a good day.
I got a calling. I'm the Relief Society Publicity Assistant or something like that.
After church, one of our home teachers, Joseph came over. I didn't think he'd stay so long but he staid for over three hours.
It was a lot of fun, though.
It was just me and Kels and him. He ate dinner with us and we talked a lot.
He's a lot of fun.

Also, this friday we decorated our apartment! Kelsey got some vinal (I don't know how to spell it) from the bookstore, and some curtains and a slip cover from Walmart.
It feels a lot more homey now :)


Kari Cheney said...

Do it

Kayli said...

Hahaha XD

Ryan said...

Ooh Bryan. Are you sure that you don't like him anymore and its not just nervousness.

Winger said...

Your apartment looks cute.
The first of your many crushes,