Friday, September 24, 2010

Fun Night

Every other Friday, a foreign film is shown in the Spori building. First Semester I went to a German one that was suuuuper boring. Last semester I went to a Korean one that was really good. And then tonight they showed House of Flying Daggers, a Chinese film. It was a really good movie. However, the whole audience laughed at a lot of things that weren't supposed to be funny, which didn't bother me, but there was a guy in front of us who got really upset every time people laughed. But at the end I'm kind of glad they did laugh because otherwise I would've cried. It was a really sad ending.

Oh! I sat with Ray and Lee and their friends Steven and Laura.
After the movie, we gathered out in the hall to decide what to do next. One of the Chinese TA's, Austin, spotted me and said hi. He introduced me to his Chinese friend, and the three of us talked for a while. But I noticed that Ray and them were getting kind of antsy to leave, and eventually Austin noticed too, so we said "再见!"(zaijian - goodbye) and him and his friend left.

The rest of us went over to Ray and Lee's apartment, but it was full of people, so we sat at the table (and Ray and Lee on the floor) for a bit. But the Laura and Steven both suggested we go somewhere else, so we went to Rockland's lounge (Steven lives in Rockland). They have an awesome lounge, holy cow!! There's couches and a TV, Pool, Foosball, Pingpong, and even a POOL!!
So we made our rounds around the room (except for the pool). We stayed there for about two hours before me and Laura decided we needed to get home (it was around 11:30).

It was a fun night :)


Winger said...

Yay for fun nights--to get to see how college life really is! You could have had an awesome lounge like that if you lived somewhere else huh?