Some time during the week, Spencer (our fhe brother) came over and visited with us. He's a black belt in karate so he showed us some stuff.
Then another day, one of our other fhe bros, Bryce, came over to visit.
We're really getting along well with our group. These guys are a lot less intimidating than last semester's lol.
On saturday we had a big group date!
I thought it was just going to be, me, Kels, Joseph, and our dates, but it turns out it was our whole apartment + Joseph + our dates + another couple. So there ended up being 12 people x.x
I was set up with a boy named John Kim. He was really really cute, and Korean :)
We got along really well and we had a lot in common.
Our original plan was to go ice skating, but when we got to the rink, it was all slushy because it wasn't cold enough.
So we drove to a bowling alley, but the line was too long.
We ended up going to Broulim's to pick out pizza toppings, then went back to our apartment and made pizzas. While we were waiting for the pizzas to bake, we played some card games and started watching Timeline.
When the pizzas were done, we paused the movie and got resituated with our food, and then finished the movie.
John had to leave early because he wanted to see off one of his friends who was leaving tomorrow or something.
It was a lot of fun! And it wasn't nearly as awkward as I thought it would be.(Celeste got a pretty blanket thingy from Chris that you tie in different ways to make different looking things)
And then this morning it started snowing pretty hard. It was really slippery walking to church and reeeaaally cold. But it was okay :)
And then for dinner, we used our left over dough and toppings and made another pizza. Yum!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Group Date
Posted by Kayli at 5:45 PM 3 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Julia was supposed to leave Saturday morning, but she didn't want to go home, so she ended up staying until this morning. It was really fun to have her around though.
Before leaving for church, Ben (one of my old fhe brothers) came by and invited us to dinner. Yay!
At church, we got our new fhe groups.
After eating dinner at Ben's (Ben, Mark, Steven (new), and Paul) (we had homemade pizza and dessert), we went over to our new brothers' house and met them. After fifteen or so minutes of getting to know them, the girls from our group also came over. We all hung out for another fifteen minutes about.
Posted by Kayli at 7:14 PM 5 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Happy Birthday, Lindsay!
Yesterday, Joseph brought his little brother over. He's visiting Joseph for the weekend. His name is Jacob and he's 16. Kelsey teased him a lot XD It was fun.
Today was Lindsay's birthday!
She started off really sick, though...
Last night, she kept getting up all through the night to throw up. I felt really bad for her...
And today she didn't go to any of her classes and she staid in bed for a while. Celeste skipped some of her classes to help take care of her. They went to the doctor together and Lindsay got IV fluids. When she came home from that, she was feeling much better!
And now she's alive and well!
A bunch of her friends came over at 9:30 for her party. We played Big Booty and started to play another game when we decided to have cake instead. Earlier today, Kelsey made her an ice cream cake. It was good!
Julia is still here with us, and Emily (another of Kelsey's old roommates) came over to visit. She's going to stay the night as well.
Posted by Kayli at 10:32 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Pretend It's the 13th
(This is taken straight from my livejournal, so it's a little more intense :p)
I only went to devotional like...three times last semester.
So I decided I wanted to do better this semester.
So I went today! Right after my Book of Mormon class.
Right in the middle of the gym, there's a stand for a camera person to record the speaker.
Well today, right in the middle of the devotional, the camera woman collapsed.
I didn't see it actually happen. I was reading a passage of scripture. But when I looked up, I saw her laying on the stand thing and she was surrounded by four guys.
Everyone around was looking at her, but everyone in front of the stand was totally oblivious.
The guys propped her up and tried talking to her. She seemed really dazed at first. One of the guys waved a hand in front of her, and she just seemed totally out of it. But after a bit she regained consciousness enough to talk. Two of the guys lifted her and carried her to the nearest chair.
All the while, the devotional never stopped. President Clarke never stopped talking. I think it was because those guys were so quick to react. If no one went to help her, he probably would have stopped his speech and said something about it.
After a few minutes, she was totally fine.
Later, Joseph took Kels and I to Walmart. But first, he had us go to his apartment and he introduced us to all of his new roommates. One of them, named Andrew, is SOOOO CUTE <3 Hahaha. He's got a bubbly personality kind of, and he's tall and skinny and very handsome ;"3
Joseph convinced him to go with us! Wheee! He's really nice and funny.
After we were done shopping, we loaded up all of the stuff into the car. Kels and I got in and had the big mirror I bought on our lap. We noticed that Joseph was gone. Andrew went to go find him. A couple minutes later, Andrew came back and opened the door. He said "Something weird is going on... Joseph's on the phone and there are a bunch of people around some guy who's laying on the ground outside of Payless. He's got a bicycle helmet on." Then he went back, saying he'd keep us updated. I wanted to get out and see, but we were trapped by the mirror. A few minutes later, Andrew ran back, gave us a few updates, then got a blanket out of the back of the car and ran back to the scene to cover the guy with the blanket. Joseph was on the phone with the police. Every now and then, Andrew would come check in on us and make sure we were doing okay, then he'd tell us how the guy was doing. He had regained consciousness and was finally able to talk to them.
An ambulance finally came, and 5 to 7 minutes after that, Joseph and Andrew came back and we left.
The first few minutes of the side were silent. I didn't really know what to say.. wah. But then Andrew started talking, and the awkwardness left.
They dropped us off and now I'm here. I still have a lot of homework to do ._.
I was totally inspired today. I really do love people. Every time someone does an act so kind, it warms my heart and makes me want to cry. I want to be a good person too. I want to be able to help people. I really really wish that I could help people more.
Posted by Kayli at 6:40 PM 3 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
New Semester!
(Apt pic coming soon! My camera wasn't working right, so I need to steal a pic from Kels or Celeste)
So I came back to Rexburg last monday.
It was pretty hard to readjust at first, but that was to be expected. And it only took a day to get back into the swing of things.
My classes have been pretty good.
They all seem really interesting and the teachers are really good.
I'm going to have to work really hard though if I want those straight A's!
On Saturday night, Rikke and Emily came over and we made and ate dinner together. It was a lot of fun! After taking a million silly pictures, we went up to our room and watched a Series of Unfortunate Events. They didn't want to leave before the movie ended, so they ended up leaving at 12:20, breaking curfew >.<
But I'm really glad they came! It was a lot of fun!
Today, Kels, Linds, Celeste and I ate dinner together after church. We each contributed some food and made breakfast for dinner! I made french toast, Kels made pancakes, Celeste made eggs, and Linds made chocolate milk. It was yummy!
Then we all sat in a circle on the floor and had a little discussion about what needs to change this semester and things like that. It went really well and I was glad we were able to talk to them about things.
Posted by Kayli at 6:39 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!!!
I'm so happy that my friends and I continued our tradition of getting together every new years eve. We've been doing it since...7th or 8th grade.
I was afraid that this year we wouldn't get together--or at least that not everyone would come. But I was so surprised that all five girls were together!!
Ashley came a little later, but I was still super happy!
Last year was great and this year will be
Posted by Kayli at 6:27 PM 3 comments