Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mother's Weekend

It was mother's weekend this week!
Mom and I went to Battle of the Dance, Comic Frenzy, and Natalie MacMaster. We also saw Kung Fu Panda :)
It was nice to have mom over.
It was also VERY nice to have so many people over for dinner! It felt like home.
Mom, Kari, Brent, and Alexis. Linda, Laura, Amy, Chad, Lily, Ellie. Dianne, Kelsey.
Joseph, Jordan, Will.
Plus the four of us.
It was a lot of fun :)

For FHE on monday, we played extreme spoons!
For each round, the spoons were put into something more and more messy.
At first it was normal spoons, then it was spoons in popcorn, then spoons in jello, then in pudding, refried beans, and some other things.
It was so fun XD

Saturday night Kurt and Jeff came over. I figured they came for Celeste, but they said they wanted to visit all of us. So while Celeste was working on her talk, Kurt and Jeff hung out with Kels and I as we watched the Princess Diaries.
They both hugged us before they left. They were my first BYU-I guy hugs!
Also, before Joseph left today, he gave Kels and I half hugs.
Yay hugs :)

Also, after some people left on Sunday and Kari/Brent/Lex/Mom were about to leave, I went with Lindsay/Celeste/Jordan/Will to go meet up with Ben and his mom in the Snow to sing hymns.
We sang for an hour and it was really nice. They all sang really well, I felt a little out of place, but I enjoyed it a lot.
Lindsay also taught me how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the Cello :D


Winger said...

I had a great weekend. Thanks.