Our Ward Halloween party was last night!
Celeste and Lindsay couldn't go, but I convinced Kelsey to go with me.
We had to walk all the way up to the Taylor building in our silly costumes. Everyone kept looking at us strangely XD
Our FHE group had the theme of "Fat Super Heroes"
Joseph's FHE was "Peter Pan"
Kurt and Jeff's was "Mafia"
And David's was "Monty Python" (they won the costume contest)
It was a lot of fun :D
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ward Halloween Party
Posted by Kayli at 3:24 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Eigth Sunday
Not much happened this week.
On Monday we confirmed out Halloween plans. We're being stuffed super heroes. I'm going to be Smiley Girl.
Some other day, Joseph came over and he and Kels and I hung out until almost midnight. He took us to Walmart to get fabric for our capes.
Uhm... Yesterday, we cleaned out the fridge. It's much more organized now.
That's about it... :/ haha
Posted by Kayli at 5:48 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Week 7
This week was very very good. Especially Friday :)
On Monday for FHE we met together and brainstormed ideas for the ward Halloween party. Each FHE group has to come up with a theme to dress up as a group together. We decided on Super Heroes. I'm going to be Hello Kitty girl. Ben is going to be Tumor Boy. Lindsay is probably going to be Nerd Girl. I don't know about the rest.
On Thursday, Travis came over to hang out with me. For a long time, he kept texting me asking to hang out. I always found excuses to not go :/ I didn't really want to hang out with him.
But I finally agreed. So he came over Thursday and we made cookies and played DDR and some card games. Of course, I convinced Kelsey to hang out with us so that I wouldn't be too nervous and uptight. Linds and Celeste were also there for a while.
It was fun, but I don't really want to hang out with him again.
He wants to, though.
Friday night I went to a Barcelona concert! Well... Barcelona was one of the opening bands for Sherwood. But I only went because Barcelona was playing.
I was SOOOO surprised when I heard they were coming. I thought "What could they possibly want in Rexburg?" But Kelsey said it was a College town, so I guess they would get a better crowd than some other places.
It was so excited! I was so nervous to go.
I was planning on finding him afterwards and talking to him. After the show, I saw Chris and Rhett (his band members), but no Brian.
I talked to Alyssa after and she said he was feeling sick so he went to sleep somewhere. (Alyssa didn't like The Pink Spiders (one of the other opening bands), so she went out and found him while they were playing).
When I got home, I got on facebook and messaged him. I said he probably didn't remember me, but I was so and so, and I was so excited that he came to Rexburg and that I was going to College there now.
He responded (which surprised me) and said that he "totally remembered me" (which completely surprised me / made me yelp out of excitement and surprise Kelsey). We had a little conversation, but his responses were very short, so I figured he wasn't too interested and didn't continue the discussion too long.
On Saturday, Kels and I hung out with Rikke! We went and saw Mama Mia. I really hadn't planned on ever seeing it, but I actually really liked it! It was good :)
After, we went and got Thai food. The Pad Thai wasn't very good, but Rikke's Red Curry was. If I go again, I think I'll get that.
Rikke came back home with us and we watched Edward Scizzorhands and the Corpse Bride. I love Johnny Depp and Tim Burton :)
I made dinner on Sunday. I made Poppyseed Chicken (which Jessica taught me to make). It was soooo good. I loved it :D
Posted by Kayli at 9:01 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Mother's Weekend
It was mother's weekend this week!
Mom and I went to Battle of the Dance, Comic Frenzy, and Natalie MacMaster. We also saw Kung Fu Panda :)
It was nice to have mom over.
It was also VERY nice to have so many people over for dinner! It felt like home.
Mom, Kari, Brent, and Alexis. Linda, Laura, Amy, Chad, Lily, Ellie. Dianne, Kelsey.
Joseph, Jordan, Will.
Plus the four of us.
It was a lot of fun :)
For FHE on monday, we played extreme spoons!
For each round, the spoons were put into something more and more messy.
At first it was normal spoons, then it was spoons in popcorn, then spoons in jello, then in pudding, refried beans, and some other things.
It was so fun XD
Saturday night Kurt and Jeff came over. I figured they came for Celeste, but they said they wanted to visit all of us. So while Celeste was working on her talk, Kurt and Jeff hung out with Kels and I as we watched the Princess Diaries.
They both hugged us before they left. They were my first BYU-I guy hugs!
Also, before Joseph left today, he gave Kels and I half hugs.
Yay hugs :)
Also, after some people left on Sunday and Kari/Brent/Lex/Mom were about to leave, I went with Lindsay/Celeste/Jordan/Will to go meet up with Ben and his mom in the Snow to sing hymns.
We sang for an hour and it was really nice. They all sang really well, I felt a little out of place, but I enjoyed it a lot.
Lindsay also taught me how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the Cello :D
Posted by Kayli at 8:00 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Fifth Sunday
This week has been fun!
The weeks go by so fast. It's nice :)
I don't remember too much.
But yesterday I went to the Spori with Kelsey. She worked on her art project and I played on a nice piano. Mmmm, it felt so nice to play on it, I didn't want to stop.
Kelsey's reference for her art project was Gackt (my favoritest idol).I think it turned out really really good. She's proud of it, too.
Joseph came over today and yesterday. I like it when he visits. Our apartment isn't very exciting without him ^^;
Celeste has been hanging out with her friend Kurt a lot. He told her that he liked her, but she didn't feel the same way.
Still, they've been hanging out a LOT ever since.
I don't know what else to say.
Today me and Kels went to the Snow Building and I played piano for her. This piano was really nice too ^^;
It's been really cold the past two days. But it's supposed to get warmer tomorrow and for the rest of the week.
Posted by Kayli at 9:02 PM 5 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
Posted by Kayli at 7:53 PM 4 comments