Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring is on its way!

A while ago, L. Tom Perry came and spoke at devotional, so nearly the entire BYU-I Center filled. Also, this past Sunday Elder Cook came and gave a CES fireside, so we went and saw him. That's two apostles in one semester!
This was actually taken a month or so again. I just thought it was the cutest little snowman ever!
Last week we had a big snowstorm. The snowflakes were really big and fluffy and the wind was crazy. We got a lot of snow piled up that day.

Walking home today I saw this written in a patch of snow and it made me happy :)
It was a really nice and sunny day today, which was a very welcome break from the windy coldness of yesterday. There is hope for Spring!


Winger said...

We forgot to record the CES fireside, I didn't realize it was at BYU-I. Cool.
When I saw those snow pictures on your facebook I thought that you wrote that message on your car and that you made the snowman.
Yes, Spring is on it's way---it was warm and sunny here today. Let's hope you don't get more snowstorms.
Enjoy your last day of being 21!

Ryan said...

The auditorium looks cool. I haven't been. That doesnt look like much of a spring, we are having 80 degree weather.