Saturday, April 2, 2011

One Week to Go

School is almost over! I'm already done with three of my classes. Just four more to go.
Half of my dance final was performing at a formal. My group did a waltz routine. Kelsey went to the dance with me and she was thoughtful enough to go into my purse and grab my camera to record it. I hadn't even thought of asking her to do so, but I'm really glad she did!
You can watch it on my facebook here !

I don't remember when, but I went with all of my roommates to Wingers. I was going to ask the waitress to take a photo of us all together, but I forgot. But then I remembered in the car.'s not very good, but it's finally a picture of all of us together, haha.

Also, I'm big into youtube and I subscribe to a lot of people and try to keep up with viral videos and such. So I decided I'm going to try and share some of the funnier things I find on here. And today's fine was this cute video of twin boys having a very deep conversation :)
This one's a little more sad than funny. ...But it's still a little funny. A family of ducks gets blown away by the wind. But at least they all find each other again in the end :)


Winger said...

Fast semester wasn't it? You're going to be bored here at home now for 4 months!
Good job on the waltz--you need to go to more dances now and put your new skill to practice!
Cute videos of the twins--I had seen that one--makes you wonder what is going through their minds. And the ducks, poor little things, glad to see they all made it back to mommy.