Monday, April 4, 2011

Chinese 101 again!

Last week, I helped out my friend Ryan with his Chinese 101 movie. (Remember the super epic one I made last year??)
He asked me to play the part of one of their blind dates.

When I got there, he introduced me to the other two guys in his group. It was decided that I'd play the part of Chris's little sister. It was a lot of fun! Chris was really cute :) (too bad the semester's over, right?)

I felt kind of bad because when I went through their script I had a lot of suggestions of how to say things better or more correct. They said they really appreciated it, but I felt like I was taking over! But they were happy that I could bring more vocabulary to the table as well.

Click here to watch the movie!


Winger said...

Fun that you got to be part of their movie, I'm sure they appreciated the help. Yes, too bad the semester is over and you can't get to know those boys better :)

Kari Cheney said...

cool. couldnt understand it, but it was fun to watch you :) what was with the weird handshake....haha