Saturday, May 23, 2009

Summer's Here!

Not really, but it sure feels like it! It's been really nice out. I want to go to the beach!
But I've been working every day since Wednesday and haven't had much time for anything. But now I'm free until next Thursday, so hopefully I can do something fun!

Now that it's warm, mom and dad can destroy the yard.
Just kidding. They're thatching it or something. But it's pretty much just dirt now. It'll make our lawn healthier in the future, though! Right?
They've been working on it all day.
I got home early from work today, so I guess I should help them. Okay.
I'm enjoying work. I've been making lots of new friends and am learning how to deal with people better. My charisma or whatever that's called is being upped!

Okay, well I'm going to go help tear up the yard :)


Winger said...

Yep, our back yard is one big mess! What a job, and it's only the beginning.

Ryan said...

Hopefully the grass comes back for August. I'm glad you are enjoying your job and realize that it is making you better.