Tuesday, February 17, 2009


It's been like two weeks since I've updated!
Shows how lively and active my life is ;)

We had Rikke and Emily, as well as Brandon (FHE bro) and Ray (Kelsey's friend) over to watch some movies one night. We started with the Grudge. It wasn't nearly as scary the second time. But it was probably mainly because the lights were on :/
After that we watched Zoolander! You can never see that movie too many times. It's probably one of my favorites.

Uhmm...What else. It's hard to remember things.
We went ice skating for FHE lastlast monday! It was a lot harder to remember than I thought it would be. But once I traded my figure skates in for hocky skates, it was a lot easier.

There was a ward Valentine activity. It was jungle themed, which was a little random, but it was fun. One of the games was to see who could eat the most ice cream in 15 minutes.
We were the only ones to finish the whole tub. And we finished it in 4 minutes.
We're not competative <.<

On Valentine's day, Lindsay, Celeste, and Kelsey all had dates. I, on the other hand, went to an all girls singles-awareness party. At least I did something.
It was fun, though. We watched two movies and had chocolate.


Ryan said...

Nice Jungle hair. I didn't know that you liked Zoolander; I think that it is the best quote movie.
I think I have the black lung. Uh, uh.
I had that movie once, don't know where it went.
Don't worry about Valentines, we all think it is dumb anyway. Our home teacher came over on Sunday and asked us if we did anything for the recent made up holiday. Valentines was made popular by the chocolate and flower industries I am convinced. Looks cold there.

Winger said...

Love the updates!
See you soon!