Sunday, November 8, 2009


Julia staid at our apartment for a whole week!
It was a lot of fun. I love Julia :)

On Thursday night, I decided to make Bulgogi.
Ray and Lee came over. Heidi, Julia, and Kelsey ate some too.
I was nervous about how it would turn out because I'd never had it before.
It took two hours to make x.x
And I made a mistake. I didn't know what a "clove of garlic" meant. So instead of putting in two cloves, I put in two whole ones.
So when Kelsey came down when I was about to start frying it up, I asked her what a clove was. So she helped me pick out a bunch of little pieces of garlic..
It turned out good, though! Everyone kept saying that it was really good. I'm glad :)
The time and effort went to good use!I'll have to make it some time at home, too. I'd love to make it again.


Unknown said...

OOh! I don't really know what it is... but I will try it! =) I love garlic! Hehe.


Winger said...

We'll make it when you come home, and I can guarantee that it won't take 2 hrs, I'll show you how to be speedy. (you'll have to try the Bulgogi at the mall too and see if it compares)

Kari Cheney said...

what is bulgogi? good job though!

Ryan said...

looks good Kayli. Bulgogi is Korean right? I think you can blame mom for not knowing what a clove of garlic is.